Welcome To Ankita Srivastava Consultation

We put the word HEALTH back in “HEALTHCARE“. 

"If you told me painless periods are normal 3 years ago, I wouldn’t believe you either. But it’s been two years of working on myself and understanding my body better - that I get to experience the true bliss of being a woman and menstruating painlessly."
Ankita Srivastava
ASC founder

A letter

Hi, I am Ankita Srivastava.  I’ve graduated as a health coach from IIN – Institute of Integrative Nutrition.

I had my own struggles with health growing up from poor skin to being overweight, popping painkillers when menstruating, and just feeling suffocated in my own body. I just like anyone else started my journey of losing weight on a negative front. I believed counting calories and leaving rice would make me lose weight.

I did lose weight but also lost my health and I still had a face full of acne and my periods still hurt. That’s the time I took control of my own health and started doing my research. I became my own guinea pig and did all sorts of eating and lifestyle experiments. I was introduced to gut and to this day I am fascinated to see how quickly I achieved health, great skin, painless periods, and balanced bodyweight with minimum efforts. My skin looks great but more than looking great, I FEEL GREAT, LIGHT, AND POWERFUL.

That’s the power of gut health. This is what true health feels like. I know it now and I hope everyone feels this way. That’s where I worked on all the six pillars of health that we now use for people all over the world and help them achieve a healthy gut state one could only dream of.

ASC's Pillars of health

The majority of our client’s issues are linked to one of these six aspects of health. They serve as the foundation for improving one’s health and body. Almost all of these aspects are reviewed with all of our clients to assist them in achieving their health goals.

Gut health

"Every day we live and every meal we eat we influence the great microbial organ inside us - for better or for worse" ~ Giulia Enders quoted this and I have absolutely not been able to live by anything but this. We at ASC focus on Gut health and all the disorders that can knock on your door when gut becomes dysfunctional.


Nutrition is not limited. We can't put a number on it and a quantity on it and decide whether or not this nutrition works for someone. Food is a celebration and it powers the trillions of cells of our body to dance with nourishment, produce ATP, and power a beautiful thing called life! We are not what we eat but also what we absorb, digest, and assimilate. So be it keto, plant-based, or vegetarian diet, no matter what you choose it should help you get better, not worse and most of the time it should be in tune with what you were fed as a child and what foods you eat while you grew up.


All sleep is not same. Some of us used to believe that we are dead when we are asleep, that’s actually absolutely false. When we are sleeping - our body and brain and still continuing to work. This is extremely vital for our overall well being and detoxification. Sleep is much more than just rest. Quality and quantity of sleep can affect your gut health, energy levels, sugar cravings, menstruation, ability to lose or gain weight, mental and emotional health and so much more.
So the question just isn’t did you sleep last night? You also need to ask yourself what time did I sleep and how recovered do I feel when I wake up?

Emotional health

Most of us feel powerless in front of the emotions that we feel but could there be a connection between what we eat and how we feel? Stress can lead to stomach ache and stomach ache can lead to stress. What goes inside the gut directly determines how we feel and react. There is a reason our gut is known as the second brain. Changes in food, changes in the gut microbiome can directly affect your anger, hunger, and other emotions. At ASC, using all the other pillars of health we try to bring out a balance in your gut health which leads to stable mental health eventually, for most people if not all.

Hormonal health

Ever noticed how you feel so cranky right before your periods and the minute you start to bleed you’re all okay?
Yes, that’s hormonal health for you and how it affects not just periods and metabolism but also how you feel. Hormones are chemical messengers that travels through bloodstream and passes messages to different cells of the body including your brain. We at ASC understand the connection between the food that we eat and the emotions we feel. We want to take you one step closer to your own self using the power of food to make your hormones work for you and not against you.

Physical movement & Exercise

Physical movement and exercise are not only limited to changing the way you look but it's also a very crucial step in finding that self-connection and connecting with the nature around us. Along with these beautiful results that movement and exercise bring along, we now have well-researched and proven data on how exercise influences the gut microbiota.

"Collectively, the available data strongly support that, in addition to other well-known internal and external factors, exercise appears to be an environmental factor that can determine changes in the qualitative and quantitative gut microbial composition with possible benefits for the host." - PMID: 28357027

ASC's Programs

One Month Health Program

People who want to test the waters
  • 1 Consultation call
  • Meal plan
  • 1 Follow up call
  • Whatsapp assistance
  • Maintenance guidelines
  • Final assessment call

Three Months Health Program

People who are serious about their lifestyle change
  • 1 Consultation call
  • Meal plan
  • 5 Follow up calls
  • Whatsapp assistance
  • Maintenance guidelines
  • 1 Final assessment call

Six Months Health Program

People who are committed to their body
  • 1 Consultation call
  • Meal plan
  • 11 Follow up calls
  • Whatsapp assistance
  • Maintenance guidelines
  • 1 Final assessment call


I feel grateful for being part of their journey towards attaining the health of their dreams. Here are some of the many stories that inspire us to do even better. 


We propose a one-month plan for you to gauge what the meal plan looks like and whether or not you’re able to follow the meal plan with discipline. Additionally, if you’re committed to making a change we offer 3-months and 6-months programs.

Ankita holds a B.SC in chemistry from St. Xaviers & she is a certified cosmetologist from Orane Beauty Institute, Ahmedabad. Ankita is trained as a certified health coach from IIN – Institute of Integrative Nutrition.

This is not mandatory. However, if you have any results/reports available from the last 3 months then please share the same with the team at the time of filling your form.
If any/additional bloodwork is required, then the same will be communicated to you during your consultation call.
NOTE — If this is a must then we will start your program from the date of receiving your results/reports.

You can click on the “Book Now” Button for any of the Plans offered by ASC. After that Book the slot for yourself on whichever Date & Time you want to attend the Consultation Call. If you want us to look over your reports or skin/hair condition before the consultation call, you can WhatsApp us a few days before the appointment.  Follow-up calls link will be sent to you after the First Consultation Call where you have to Book your Slot for the Follow-up call before the 14th day from the 1st Consultation Call. 

Consultations are scheduled after booking your slot and selecting the date and time. We schedule tele-consults. During tele-consults, Ankita goes over your history, the form that you have filled, and discusses the condition in detail. The meal plan is also discussed on the call. Within 24-48 hours you will receive a proper document which you’ll have to follow for the next 14 days. If you have any further questions our team is available via WhatsApp. If you believe the plan isn’t working for you we will tweak the plan, without compromising on your health, to meet your lifestyle and needs at any given point.

There is usually a 4 to 5 weeks waiting period but accommodations can be done for specific cases that require immediate assistance. This is based on availability and the team’s decision on how urgent the case is.

Depending on the consultation plan you select, Ankita or one of our highly certified nutritionists will conduct the consultation. We also have a team devoted to you via WhatsApp during ASC working hours (Tue-Sun 9:00 AM – 06:30 PM IST).  for your day-to-day meal-plan related inquiries. All Mondays and every 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month is a holiday

That is not something we recommend. We at ASC strongly believe in bio-individuality. Everyone is unique, and no two people are alike. One man’s food is another man’s poison. If the meal plan is shared by the client, ASC won’t be accountable for any damage/harm done.

We make no claims. We are not here to diagnose, heal or cure. Our intention is to make people’s quality of life better, help them understand their bodies better, and follow a root cause approach protocol, that addresses the issue the person is experiencing at its root. And once we are able to resolve something at root cause the person can heal for a lifetime. The desired outcome is determined not just by following the meal plan but also by how much you are able to take care of the other 5 pillars of health and the discipline around a healthier lifestyle.

Still got more? We have a contact us form just for you. Feel free to write your concerns, and we will do our best to assist you.

Contact Us

Working Hours :

1. Tuesday to Sunday – 9:30 AM IST to 6:30 PM IST

2. Every Monday and 2nd & 4th Saturday of the Month including National Holidays will be a Holiday at Ankita Srivastava Consultation.

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All facts, content, and material on this website are provided for informational purposes only and are not meant to replace a licensed doctor’s diagnosis and medical care. If you have any concerns about a medical condition, please seek the advice of your health care provider. We don’t intend to diagnose, cure or heal.

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